Impact of Generative AI on Market Research: by Market Researchers

To be, or not to be, that is the question. In our case, the question is, “Should he climb the tree or wait?” as articulated by an industry peer when asked about the perceived impact of generative AI on their roles. Surely not as melancholy, but if I could walk away with one quote from our survey, that would be it (see the full quote and context in the image below) – Many people in the industry don't feel they know enough about Generative AI and may not even know where to start. That seems to be a common theme.

For context, the question referenced here is: Thinking about the impact of generative AI on your role, how do you feel? Which of these characters best illustrates how you feel? Why did you select that character? What does the character represent about the feelings and emotions you have about the impact that generative AI could have on your role?

The answers received reflect a range of emotions and attitudes toward the potential impact of generative AI on market researchers and their roles. The majority express excitement and optimism about the opportunities and efficiencies that could be gained. In contrast, others feel defensive and worried about losing their jobs or the value of their work. Many are curious and interested in learning more, while others are uncertain or skeptical. Here’s a summary of the many different shades of optimism and reservation:

Positive emotions:
- Excitement about opportunities and efficiencies
- Optimism about the future
- Curiosity and interest in learning more
- Enthusiasm about AI capabilities
- Hopeful and looking forward
- Empowerment and efficiency
- Visionary and forward-looking
- Super excited about AI capabilities
- Looking toward the future

Defensive emotions:
- Defensive about the potential impact on roles
- Fear that it may take their job
- Fear that it may diminish job value

Mixed emotions:
- Interested but also defensive
- Calm about it, seeing good and bad things
- Curious and concerned
- Enthusiastic but also unstable about career
- Excited but also scared/confused
- Hopeful, but starting from the ground with little knowledge
- Positive but cautious

Our takeaway from the research: Generative AI is a game-changer that our industry needs to be ready for. We are just starting to feel its impact. More knowledge-sharing and training need to happen so that researchers and businesses alike can "stand on its shoulders".

Methodology: inca | Nexxt Intelligence conducted a survey using inca, its conversational AI survey platform, in the two weeks before and after IIEX Europe 2023 (March 23 to April 6). This report is based on 172 completed surveys collected (Clientside n=41, Platform/ResTech/Panel n=33, Agency n=69), and leveraged inca AI Coding and inca AI Summary.